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Piano Studio Policies


General Information: Weekly private lessons are offered in 30, 45, or 60-minute sessions, depending on the student’s age/level.  

Practice at Home: Students will be expected to practice their assignments most days of the week. Consistency is key to ensuring progress. It is my hope that the discipline learned from regular piano practice will spill over into other areas of every students' life, helping them reach their full potential in all they pursue. Beginning students should aim for 20-30 minutes per day, intermediate students should aim for 45 minutes per day, and advanced students should practice for 1-2 hours per day.

Parental Involvement: Students benefit greatly from parental involvement. Students ten and under should have a caregiver supervise practice sessions several times per week. It goes without saying that practice is key to success.


Instrument: Students are expected to practice daily on a well-maintained acoustic piano. Acoustic pianos should be tuned twice a year.  

Books/Materials: Students should use a tote bag to carry books to lessons. The student should bring a notebook to lessons to use as an assignment book. The teacher will write out all weekly assignments in the notebook, and the student/parent should reference this assignment notebook during the week. 

Tuition: The tuition rates are determined based on a calendar of 37
 weekly private lessons. For the 2024-2025 year, tuition for 37 thirty-minute lessons is (please call for rates) and tuition for 37 forty-five minute lessons is (please call for rates). Tuition will be divided into ten equal monthly payments of $___ (30 minute lessons)/$___ (45 minute lessons). All tuition payments are due by the 15th of the month August – May.

Please note: Tuition will not be prorated for vacations of any length, or wanting to take time off. 


Late Tuition Payments: Tuition payments received after the 15th of the month will incur a $15 late fee.

Payment: Payment is due on or before the 15th of each month. Invoices will not be provided, however an email reminder will be sent. Late payments will incur a late fee of $15. Tuition may be paid via cash/check, automatic check using your bank’s online bill pay, and Zelle.

Makeup Lessons: Because specific times are set aside for specific students, a student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson.  I will then use that time or other times to plan for the student’s progress, locate materials, etc.  There are no refunds or discounts given unless I am unable to teach the promised number of lessons. However, feel free to take advantage of the “Swap” opportunity which is explained below:

The Swap List Rules

  1. I must be asked about a swap before making it. I must be informed about the swap after arranging it. (This is because some parents don’t notice that they are trying to swap a 45 minute lesson for a 30 minute lesson. I have to okay the swap so that this doesn’t happen.)

  2. No make-up lessons will be given if any confusion from a swap arises.

  3. Should 2 people arrive at once, I will teach the one whose lesson is normally at that time.


Please assume the studio will be open on official school “Snow Days.” 

Discontinuing Lessons: Every student will eventually stop taking lessons. For this to happen in a positive way so that the student feels good about the decision, thoughtful discussion between the teacher, parent, and student should occur. It is helpful for the teacher to have one month’s notice so that lessons are thoughtfully ended, and not abruptly stopped. However, the teacher understands that students may stop at any time they like. Paid tuition will not be refunded for discontinuation of lessons. 

Emergencies: In case of medical emergency, I will use my best judgement in obtaining medical care for your child and you accept the responsibility for any related expenses.


Ever wonder where your tuition dollars go? Here is a list of all the things, besides actual lesson time, that your tuition helps cover:

  • Property taxes, self-employment taxes, insurance, retirement. (The Independent Music Teacher has no corporation to assist in providing health/life insurance or retirement.)

  • Your teacher’s training and experience

  • Trips to the music store, lesson planning, bookkeeping, development of curriculum, etc. It has been cited by professional music journals that for every hour enrolled in piano lessons, you are investing in at least 2 hours of the teacher’s time!

  • Studio expenses - copying, computer software, instruments, tunings, and repairs.

  • Recital costs and preparations - programs, refreshments, facility rental

  • Music books and materials purchased by the teacher to keep costs low for students.

  • Tuition helps cover the increased living costs of your self-employed teacher.

  • Continuing education – lessons/classes that keep the teacher current

  • Book and music association memberships.

  • Professional organization memberships (Memberships are maintained by the teacher to enhance their teaching skills and provide the student with opportunities for festivals, competitions, and performance events.)

  • Professional journals - publications to assist the teacher in keeping current.




Piano Lessons Elkhart, IN Osceola, IN, Mishawaka, IN, Goshen, IN  © 2014  Piano Teacher Elkhart, IN

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